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Outsource or staff. What to choose for translations and localization

  • Джерело: businessua.com.

    Along with the development of business, the need for language support to establish international communication, translation of documents, localization of products for new markets is growing. The question is where to get a translator (or maybe not only one)?  

    Along with the development of business, the need for language support to establish international communication, translation of documents, localization of products for new markets is growing. The question is where to get a translator (or maybe not only one)?  

    You have three options:  

    • Staff specialist or a team of translators;  

    • Comprehensive services of a translation company;  

    • Freelancers for one-time orders.  

    Every option has its pros and cons.  

    Advantages of an inhouse translator  

    1. He is always there, so you don't have to waste time for search.  

    1. The work is under your watchful eye, which allows you to make changes instantly.  

    1. The company's specialist knows everything about the activity and the product, so they do not need additional consultations.  

    1. It is possible to receive a translation in real time, which is especially important during oral communication via phone or business correspondence.  

    Still, one should not forget about the disadvantages, the main of which is the likelihood of irregular workload of a translation specialist. Today there is work, tomorrow it may be none. Or you may need a translation in another language that your translator does not know. And the cost of wages will be monthly and would not depend on their engagement in projects.  

    Is it worth choosing a freelancer for translations  

    This option may be appropriate with a minimum translation budget. Yet you should be aware of all the risks of such cooperation:  

    • No quality guarantee.  

    • No guarantee of meeting the deadlines.  

    • No guarantee of confidentiality.  

    Not every casual freelancer works officially and has the opportunity to document the terms of the project, prescribe guarantees and areas of responsibility. Thus ordering a translation can be a risky business with an unexpected ending. We would not recommend you this option.  

    Why outsourcing is the best option for translation and localization services  

    There are many "whys". Here are some of them:  

    1. The team of the translation company employs specialists in different languages, so you can always get a high-quality translation in any language made by professionals.  

    1. Each translator or editor has his own specialization, i.e. a niche they are the best in - legal, technical, medical, artistic and others. You do not need to look for each of them separately - the translation company has a base with all these specialists.  

    1. The outsourcing contract provides significant savings for you - you do not need to pay for the work of an interpreter, if their services are not necessary. In addition, with an increasing number of projects the price of translation services will become more and more loyal.  

    1. With each order the contractor accumulates your term base. Therefore, not only the speed of project performance increases, but also their quality.  

    Of course, you are to choose:   

    • save money and take risks using the services of freelancers;  

    • maintain a permanent staff of translators;  

    • conclude an outsourcing agreement and receive quality services at a fixed price.  

    If you choose quality and professionalism, pay attention to MK:translations - a company providing localization and translation into 80+ languages. You can get a consultation and get acquainted with its services at the link - Professional translation services agency (company) Kyiv (mk-translations.ua)  



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